Following is a detailed description on how the KnotPlot script was used to generate the files on this page. Example shown is for letter size paper. See the note (right) about printing to A4 paper. If you're only generating an EPS file for inclusion in another document, then you don't need to worry about setting the pagesize.
Run KnotPlot in non-graphics mode to generate the EPS file.
knotplot -nog < NonRatTangB.kps
One could instead run KnotPlot in graphics mode and enter the following command into the KnotPlot Command Window
We now have the file NonRatTangB.eps which could be printed directly on a PostScript printer. For printing to a non-PostScript printer, generate a PDF file NonRatTangB.pdf from the EPS file NonRatTangB.eps using Ghostscript.
# Note: enter the following three lines on one command line gs -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sPAPERSIZE=letter -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=NonRatTangB.pdf -c .setpdfwrite -f NonRatTangB.eps
The remainder of this example shows how the preview image seen above was created. This is useful for including an image on a web page or in a presentation. Printing the EPS or PDF file will give much higher quality than printing the preview image. These files, NonRatTangB.eps and NonRatTangB.pdf, as well as their counterparts for A4 paper, NonRatTangB_a4.eps and NonRatTangB_a4.pdf, can be downloaded using the links in the right hand panel on this page.
# run Ghostscript to generate a temporary PPM file # Note: enter the following two lines on one command line gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sPAPERSIZE=letter -sDEVICE=ppmraw -sOutputFile=NonRatTangB.ppm -r200 -f NonRatTangB.eps # scale it down using ImageMagick convert command convert -resize 600x NonRatTangB.ppm NonRatTangBS.ppm # reduce the number of distinct colours and create the gif convert -colors 32 NonRatTangBS.ppm NonRatTangB.gif # delete temporary files /bin/rm NonRatTangB.ppm NonRatTangBS.ppm
KnotPlot script that generated the Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file:
% KnotPlot script: NonRatTangB.kps
% Sat 09 Mar 2019 01:49:12 UTC
% making a non-rational tangle with the Tangle Calculator
% to read about tangles, go to
% or for rational tangles
cyl-rad= 1.0
load numer.k
tholder install t
tangle 2@2@#@t
mass open
ago 200
scale 1.6
% colour components using named colours
% KnotPlot supports all the X11 colour names, plus a few others
% colour names are case insensitive in KnotPlot
colour 0 slategray
colour 1 darkred
colour 2 indigo
psoption clip circ 0 10.5
psoption frame circ 0 10.5
psoption frame linewidth .4
psoption phantom -11 -11 11 11
psout NonRatTangB
% End of KnotPlot script
This script generates a EPS file (download below) suitable for printing on letter size paper. For printing on A4 size paper, use the command psop pagesize a4 prior to the psout command.
Download a high quality PDF or EPS file (for either letter or A4 size paper):
The PDF files and the preview image seen on this page were generated from the EPS files using Ghostscript (details in left panel on this page).