Minimal stick (symmetric) representations

These are examples of approximately 30 knots and links that show either bilateral or two-fold rotational symmetries about all three principal axes of intertia after being brought into a minimal energy conformation (for the EMD energy).

This data is from my dissertation.

Viewed along principal axis with smallest eigenvalue Viewed along principal axis with intermediate eigenvalue Viewed along principal axis with largest eigenvalue
Picture of 3_1 knot
3D model
Picture of 5_1 knot
3D model
Picture of 5_2 knot
3D model
Picture of 7_1 knot
3D model
Picture of 8_5 knot
3D model
Picture of 8_19 knot
3D model
Picture of 9_1 knot
3D model
Picture of 9_16 knot
3D model
Picture of 10_124 knot
3D model
Picture of granny knot
  Granny Knot
3D model
Picture of square knot
  Square Knot
3D model
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